twocolors & Safri Duo & Chris de Sarandy - Cynical Text

Songtext zu Cynical

I wish that I was someone you need now
Wanna know how
You'll be happy again

I'm not someone who always speaks out
Now I can see our
Memories through the rain

Night and day
I still wanna dance in your parade
But you change your lane
And I know you now

You're lost in your own crowd

It's time to figure out
We sit in silence
I wish you'd say it loud

Are you in or are you out
It's time to tell me now
I can't keep hiding
I just want to be found

Time for you to let me go
Please don't ever let me know
Time for you to let me go
You drag me down you're cynical

I know that I was someone you needed
Feel defeated
By who you became

I'm done with living just for weekends
I don't mean it

Do I mean it
When I say I'm ok

Night and day
I still wanna dance in your parade
But you change your lane
And I know you now

You're lost in your own crowd
It's time to figure out
We sit in silence
I wish you'd say it loud

Are you in or are you out
It's time to tell me now
I can't keep hiding
I just want to be found

Time for you to let me go
Please don't ever let me know
Time for you to let me go
You drag me down you're cynical
You're cynical
You're so cynical

Time for you to let me go
You drag me down you're cynical
You're cynical
So cynical

Time for you to let me go
Please don't ever let me know
Time for you to let me go
You drag me down you're cynical

twocolors & Safri Duo & Chris de Sarandy - Cynical Songtext

zu Cynical von twocolors & Safri Duo & Chris de Sarandy - Cynical Lyrics Chris de Sarandy & Safri Duo & twocolors - Cynical Text Cynical twocolors & Safri Duo & Chris de Sarandy Cynical Liedtext
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