twocolors - Bloodstream Text

Songtext zu Bloodstream

I feel it in my bloodstream, like we're still in love
It's rushin' through my body, I can't get enough

I feel it in my bloodstream, like we're still in love
(Like we're in still love, are we still in love?)
It's rushin' through my body, I can't get enough
(I can't get enough, just can't get enough)

I'm just goin' through withdrawals
I can't take it no more

Emotions fadin' like chemicals
Take me high when I'm low, oh-oh
I'm just goin' through withdrawals
You got my heart on the floor
I'm not yours, not yours
I'm still goin' through withdrawals

Low, low-low, low-low-low-low
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low

I feel it in my bloodstream, like we're still in love
It's rushin' through my body, I can't get enough

I feel it in my bloodstream, likе we're still in love
(Likе we're in still love, are we still in love?)

It's rushin' through my body, I can't get enough
(I can't get enough, just can't get enough)

I'm just goin' through withdrawals
I can't take it no more
Emotions fadin' like chemicals
Take me high when I'm low, oh-oh
I'm just goin' through withdrawals
You got my heart on the floor
Not yours, not yours
I'm still goin' through withdrawals

Low, low-low, low-low-low-low
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low

I wish I was gettin' high
One shot and I'd feel alive
A feelin' that's deep inside
I'm not yours, not yours
I'm still goin' through withdrawals

Low, low-low, low-low-low-low (I'm not yours)
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low (I'm not yours)
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low (Not yours, not yours)
(I'm still goin' through withdrawals)
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low (I'm not yours)
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low (I'm not yours)
Low, low-low, low-low-low-low (I'm not yours, not yours)
(I'm still goin' through withdrawals)

twocolors - Bloodstream Songtext

zu Bloodstream von ​twocolors - Bloodstream Lyrics twocolors - Bloodstream Text Bloodstream ​twocolors Bloodstream Liedtext
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