twocolors & Asdis - Gravity Text

Songtext zu Gravity

[Verse 1: ÁSDÍS]
Don't know why I do this every time
Drivin' to your place this late at night
You're my oxygen when I'm this high
This high

[Pre-Chorus: ÁSDÍS]
No one takes me down, spins my world around
Like you do, like you do
Everytime you call, I pick up and fall
Back to you, back to you

[Chorus: ÁSDÍS]
Crazy how your love's gotta hold on me

Try to say goodbye, but I just can't leave
Never seem to find the velocity
To set my body free, space is what I need
But I can't fight your gravity
But I can't fight your gravity

[Verse 2: ÁSDÍS]
I can feel the weight inside my bones
Pullin' on my heart when I'm alone
Grounds me like a force I've always known
Always known

[Pre-Chorus: ÁSDÍS]
No one takes me down, spins my world around
Like you do, like you do
Everytime you call, I pick up and fall
Back to you, back to you

[Chorus: ÁSDÍS]
Crazy how your love's gotta hold on me

Try to say goodbye, but I just can't leave
Never seem to find the velocity
To set my body free, space is what I need
But I can't fight your gravity
But I can't fight your gravity
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

twocolors & Asdis - Gravity Songtext

zu Gravity von twocolors & Asdis - Gravity Lyrics Asdis & twocolors - Gravity Text Gravity twocolors & Asdis Gravity Liedtext
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