ABBA - Thank You for the Music TEXT

Thank You for the Music
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Songtext zu Thank You for the Music

I’m nothing special, in fact I’m a bit of a bore.
If I tell a joke, you’ve probably heard it before.
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing,
’cause everyone listens when I start to sing.
I’m so grateful and proud.
All I want is to sing it out loud.

So I say
thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing.
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing.
Who can live without it?, I ask in all honesty.
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance, what are we?

So I say thank you for the music,
for giving it to me.

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk.
She says I began to sing long before I could talk.
And I’ve often wondered how did it all start,
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can.
Well, whoever it was, I’m a fan.

So I say
thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing.
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing.
Who can live without it?, I ask in all honesty.
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance, what are we?
So I say thank you for the music,
for giving it to me.

I’ve been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair.

I wanna sing it out to everybody.
What a joy! What a life! What a chance!

Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing.
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing.
Who can live without it?, I ask in all honesty.
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance, what are we?
So I say thank you for the music,
for giving it to me.
So I say thank you for the music,
for giving it to me.

ABBA - Thank You for the Music Songtext

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ABBA Thank You for the Music Letra de Thank You for the Music com ABBA
Album: ABBA The Album (1977)

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