Songtext zu Magic Moment
[Chorus]And if tomorrow’s hopeless
At least we had this magic moment
A memory forever frozen
Because tonight goes on and on and on
And if tomorrow’s hopeless
At least we had this magic moment
A memory forever frozen
Because tonight goes on and on and on
It goes on and on and on and on
On and on and on
Yea it goes on and on and on and on
On and on and on
And if tomorrow’s hopeless
At least we had this magic moment
A memory forever frozen
Because tonight goes on and on and on
And if tomorrow’s hopeless
At least wе had this magic moment
A memory forevеr frozen
Because tonight goes on and on and on
Seen a lot of tricks before and it ain’t over
Till the day we’ll disappear out of nowhere
When you’re blinded by the dark, it’s an illusion
There’s a light inside your heart that keeps you moving
It goes on and on and on and on
On and on and on
Yea it goes on and on and on and on
On and on and on
And if tomorrow’s hopeless
At least we had this magic moment
A memory forever frozen
Because tonight goes on and on and on
And if tomorrow’s hopeless
At least we had this magic moment
A memory forever frozen
Because tonight goes on and on and on
Glockenbach und Chris de Sarandy - Magic Moment Songtext
zu Magic Moment von Glockenbach x Chris de Sarandy - Magic Moment Lyrics Chris de Sarandy & Glockenbach - Magic Moment Text Magic Moment Glockenbach & Chris de Sarandy Magic Moment LiedtextGlockenbach & Chris de Sarandy Magic Moment Letra de Magic Moment com Glockenbach & Chris de Sarandy Glockenbach & Chris de Sarandy - Magic Moment Tekst
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