Safri Duo - Played-A-Live Text

Songtext zu Played-A-Live

Lead Vocal: John Lennon
Well, if your hands start a-clappin'
And your fingers start a-poppin'
And your feet start a-movin' around
And if you start to swing and sway
When the band starts to play
A real cool way out sound
And if you get to can't help it
And you can't sit down
You feel like you gotta move a round
You get a shot of Rhythm and Blues
With just a little Rock and Roll on the side
Just for good measure

Get a pair of dancin' shoes
Well, with your lover by your side
Don't you know you're gonna have a lot of pleasure?
Don't you worry 'bout a thing if you start to dance and sing
And chills comin' up on you
And if the rhythm finally gets you and the beat gets you too
Well, here's something for you to do
Get a shot of Rhythm and Blues
With just a little Rock and Roll on the side
Just for good measure
Get a pair of dancin' shoes
Well, with your lover by your side
Don't you know you're gonna have a lot of pleasure?
Don't you worry 'bout a thing if you start to dance and sing
And chills comin' up on you
And if the rhythm finally gets you and the beat gets you too
Well, here's something for you to do
Get a shot of Rhythm and Blues
Get a pair of dancin' shoes
Get a shot of Rhythm and Blues

Well, with your lover by your side
Don't you know you're gonna have a lot of pleasure?
Don't you worry 'bout a thing if you start to dance and sing
And chills comin' up on you
And if the rhythm finally gets you and the beat gets you too
Well, here's something for you to do
Well, here's something for you to do
Well, here's something for you to do

Safri Duo - Played-A-Live Songtext

zu Played-A-Live von Safri Duo - Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song) Lyrics Safri Duo - Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song) Text Played-A-Live Safri Duo Played-A-Live Liedtext
Safri Duo Played-A-Live Letra de Played-A-Live com Safri Duo
Album: Episode II (2001)

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