Pixiearts - Clown Text

Songtext zu Clown

You won't see me in the crowd,
But watch me from the fake account,
You will be playing like a fool,
Acting like you don't care at all.

You won't see me in the crowd,
But watch me from the fake account,
You will be playing like a fool,
Acting like you don't care at all.

Is that real you, is it so?
You want to take all control
Pretending to be the real clown

You don't impress me no more
Be yourself or be no one.

Throw your masks off your face
Cause you are a funny, bad actor
One day I will show you your problem,
I hate boys with that syndrome.

Is that real you, is it so?
You want to take all control
Pretending to be the real clown
You don't impress me no more
Be yourself or be no one.

Pixiearts - Clown Songtext

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