Pixiearts - I'm ready Text

Songtext zu I'm ready

Believe me, it all starts with you,
Blaze the trail instead of
Following the well-trodden path,
Fly over thousands
Of mountains to love.
Where they keep hearts
Out of fear in glasshouses
I will find a way for us to escape.


When the door is closed
Don't blame yourself.

Thank you for all the lessons,
I'm ready today
When the door is closed
Don't blame yourself.
Thank you for all the lessons,
I'm ready today

Face the truth and smile
Love this life you already have
Thank yourself you breathe
God hears your whisper
One who sings prays twice
So make life a fun soundtrack


When the door is closed
Don't blame yourself.
Thank you for all the lessons,
I'm ready today

Pixiearts - I'm ready Songtext

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