ABBA - Dancing Queen TEXT

Dancing Queen
Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Dancing Queen

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life;
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen.

Friday night and the lights are low.
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing,
You come in to look for a king.
Anybody could be that guy.
Night is young and the music's high.
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine.
You're in the mood for a dance,
And when you get the chance...

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen,
Feel the beat from the tambourine.
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life,
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen.

You're a teaser, you turn'em on,
Leave them burning and then you're gone,
Looking out for another, anyone will do.
You're in the mood for a dance,
And when you get the chance...

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen,
Feel the beat from the tambourine.
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life,
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Dig in the dancing queen...

ABBA - Dancing Queen Songtext

zu Dancing Queen von ABBA - Dancing Queen Lyrics ABBA - Dancing Queen Text Dancing Queen ABBA Dancing Queen Liedtext
ABBA Dancing Queen Letra de Dancing Queen com ABBA

Album: Arrival (1976)

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