Pixiearts - Somehow Text

Songtext zu Somehow

You see me looking pretty,
When you scroll up, cause the smile
Is what I wear, it's my best make-up.
They watch, hate, later they copy,
So let's turn on party mood and don't worry


Somehow I see the reflection of your eyes,
Do you ever start to cry
Never asking, never trust

I've been so stupid telling you the truth,

Closer someone is,
The more harmful can be for you.
I got lost in what I loved,
Don't use my heart,
Don't break it through


Somehow I see the reflection of your eyes,
Do you ever start to cry?
Never asking, never trust.
Somehow I see the reflection of your eyes,
Do you ever start to cry
Never asking, never trust.

Sunrise or sunset, I'm asking,
When you decide to miss me finally.
We were too young, too stupid
To dream about steps on the moon,

To dream about flying


Somehow I see the reflection of your eyes,
Do you ever start to cry
Never asking, never trust

Pixiearts - Somehow Songtext

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