Morning Dew
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Songtext zu Morning Dew

Walk me out in the morning dew
Walk me out in the morning dew today
I can't walk you out in no morning dew
I can't walk you out in no morning dew at all

Thought I heard a young girl cryin' mama
Thought I heard a young girl cry today
You never heard no young girl cryin'
You never heard no young girl cry at all

Thought I heard a young boy cryin' mama
Thought I heard a young boy cry today
You didn't hear no young boy cryin' buddy
You never heard no young boy cry at all

Thought I heard a young man cryin' mama
Thought I heard a young man cry today
You never heard no young man cryin'
You never heard no young man cry at all

Now there is no more morning dew
Now there is no more morning dew
What they've been sayin' all these years is true
Now there is no more morning dew.

NAZARETH - Morning Dew Songtext

zu Morning Dew von Nazareth - Morning Dew Lyrics NAZARETH - Morning Dew Text Morning Dew Nazareth Morning Dew Liedtext
NAZARETH Morning Dew Letra de Morning Dew com NAZARETH
Album: Nazareth (1971)

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