FOREIGNER - Double Vision Text

Songtext zu Double Vision

[Verse 1]
Feeling down 'n' dirty, feeling kinda mean
I've been from one to another extreme
It's time I had a good time, ain't got time to wait
I wanna stick around 'till I can't see straight

Fill my eyes with that double vision
No disguise for that double vision
Ooh, when it gets through to me, it's always new to me
My double vision gets the best of me

[Verse 2]
Never do more than I, I really need

My mind is racing, but my body's in the lead
Tonight's the night, I'm gonna push it to the limit
I live all of my years in a single minute

Fill my eyes with that double vision
No disguise for that double vision
Ooh, when it gets through to me, it's always new to me
My double vision always seems to get the best of me, the best of me, yeah-eah eah-eah-hey

Oh-ooh (oh) oh-oh, double vision
(Oh) I need double vision
(Oh, double vision) it takes me out of my head, taking me out of my head
(Oh, double vision) I get my double vision, woa-oah
(Oh, double vision) seeing double double, double vision
(Oh, double vision) oh-oh my my double vision
(Oh, double vision) double vision, yeah-ah-ah eah-eah eah-eah ah
(Oh, double vision) I get double vision, oooh
How, how?

FOREIGNER - Double Vision Songtext

zu Double Vision von FOREIGNER - Double Vision Lyrics FOREIGNER - Double Vision Text Double Vision FOREIGNER Double Vision Liedtext
FOREIGNER Double Vision Letra de Double Vision com FOREIGNER
Album: Double Vision(1978)

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