Palaye Royale - Punching Bag Text

Songtext zu Punching Bag

Go on, make my day
Go get high on my mistakes
Give me more complaints
You're real, I'm just a fake
I wake up, I'm so glad
I can be your punching bag
Go on, make my day
Go get high on my mistakes

Go ahead and mold me
They bought me and they sold me
I'm smiling upside down
Now I'm all used up

Ready for my close up
Am I pretty underground?
I can be your Barbie
I can say sorry
I can do whatever you want
Go ahead and slap me
If it makes you happy
Use and abuse me till I'm gone

If you want me
Come and take me
Because I love the
Way you hate me

I didn't even notice
Barely got a moment
Not a moment to myself
Heaven's what they sold me
But now I miss the old me
Before I got stuck in hell

Walking down the street
Just a public enemy
My back's against the wall
I didn't even notice
Barely got a moment
Build me up to watch me fall

This is goodbye
You bled me dry
This is goodnight
My soul has died

I gave you my all
You built me up to fall
I gave you my all
I gave you my all

Someone find me
Someone save me
Because it feels like
I'm fucking dying

Palaye Royale - Punching Bag Songtext

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