Palaye Royale - Little Bastards Text

Songtext zu Little Bastards

Sometimes I’ve been losing my mind
Running out of faith
Lonely, I’ve been feeling lonely
Put me in my place

Twist and fade
Time to run away
I can’t take this
I’ve been a little patient
No escape
I’ve got to get away a little faster
Run you little bastards
Run run you little bastards

Fake friends all around
They watch while I drown
No one is there to help me

Sometimes I’ve been losing my mind
Running out of faith
Lonely, I’ve been feeling lonely
Put me in my place
So fuck you, I don’t even like you
I’m sick of all the fake
No sleep - got another nosebleed
I can’t feel my face

I’ve shut my mouth
While you prance around in my jumpsuit
Awe ,that’s so cute
No escape
I’ve got to get away a little faster
Run you little bastards

Run run you little bastards

Fake friends all around
They watch while I drown
No one is there to help me

Sometimes I’ve been losing my mind
Running out of faith
Lonely, I’ve been feeling lonely
Put me in my place
So fuck you I don’t even like you
I’m sick of all the fake
No sleep I’ve got another nosebleed
I can’t feel my face

Twist and fade
I’ve got to run away
A little faster
Run you little bastards
Run run you little bastards
Run run you little bastards
Run run a little faster
Little bastards

Palaye Royale - Little Bastards Songtext

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