Palaye Royale - No love in LA Text

Songtext zu No love in LA

Livin' in the moonlight
Lookin' at the hills
But the hills don't shine right Lookin' at her nose
But the shit don't blow right Gesundheit!
Your mom say,
“You can change your face
But the pain won't go away” Addicted to the fame
But the fame is momentarily reality

The creeps are crawling up to the doorways
They're dying to find out what's inside
The creeps are always posting their photos
To show off what they're lacking inside

There is no such thing as love in LA
Plastic people don't got nothing to say
They're judging me, I'm judging you We ain't got nothing else to do
There's no such thing as love in LA

Livin' on Melrose
In motel rooms
Up all night drinkin till the day shows With the B-list
And the C-list
And the demons comin' till I see shit
On a private jet
But you can't afford your rent
Gettin' high with fake friends ‘Cause that's all you got

I'm late for my own premiere

Maybe I should leave, my dear
I don't feel a thing out here
But it seems to me that the demons of the city
Wanna keep me here

They wanna keep me here

There is no such thing as love in LA Plastic people don't got nothing to say They're judging me, I'm judging you We ain't got nothing else to do There's no such thing as love in LA There is no such thing as love in LA
I said, “There's no such thing as love in LA!”

Palaye Royale - No love in LA Songtext

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