Palaye Royale - Paranoid Text

Songtext zu Paranoid

[Verse 1]
All the things that I once feared
All the whispers in my ear
All the friends I thought I knew
All the people I outgrew
All the nights I wasted tears
All the disappearing years
For a while was in denial
My mother’s least favourite child

All these fucking voices in my head
Tell me I’m not good enough for them

They just leave me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All these fucking voices in my head
Got me feeling insеcure again
They just leavе me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All these fucking voices

[Verse 2]
Every thought that’s in my head
Every stupid word I said
Every corner in my house
Every crease around my mouth
Every night I toss and turn
Am I ever gonna learn?
Everyone should quiet down
I just wanna tune you out

All these fucking voices in my head

Tell me I’m not good enough for them
They just leave me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All these fucking voices in my head
Got me feeling insecure again
They just leave me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All these fucking voices

I can’t escape my thoughts
Are they real or dreams?
Sirens in my head
Paranoia screams
I don’t feel alone
Are they watching me?
Are you watching me?
I can’t escape my thoughts
Are they real or dreams?
Sirens in my head
Paranoia screams
I don’t feel alone
Are they watching me?
Are they watching me?
Are you watching me?
Are you watching me?
Are you watching me?
I don’t know if I can survive
Unless I can shut off my mind
Is it too late?
Is it too late?

All these fucking voices in my head
Tell me I’m not good enough for them
They just leave me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All these fucking voices in my head
Tell me I’m not good enough for them
They just leave me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All these fucking voices in my head
Got me feeling insecure again
They just leave me paranoid
Paranoid, paranoid again
All again

Are you watching me?
Are you watching me?
Are you watching?
Are you watching me?

Palaye Royale - Paranoid Songtext

zu Paranoid von Palaye Royale - Paranoid Lyrics Palaye Royale - Paranoid Text Paranoid Palaye Royale Paranoid Liedtext
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