Palaye Royale - Lonely Text

Songtext zu Lonely

So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home

[Verse 1]
My life don't mean that much to me
So I'm living for you
Yeah, I'm living for you
And you can't stand the sight of me
So what's the point of this
Fucked up catastrophe?

I'm waiting for my time to start
As I waste it
As I waste it
I pop these pills to waste some time
As I'm fadin'
As I'm fadin'

This shit messes with my head
The only home I know is my bed
Too lazy for a suicide
I just watch the days pass hoping to die

So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own

I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home

[Verse 2]
Daydreaming of my funeral
Like who would show, bet no one would go
Hey dad, would you show up for me now?
Just to bury your little boy in the ground
You broke my heart when you left me
Was just waiting
Was just waiting
I pop these pills to waste some time
As I'm fadin'
As I'm fadin'

This shit messes with my head
The only home I know is my bed
Too lazy for a suicide
I just watch the days pass hoping to die

So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
I dug this grave I call my home
I dug this grave

Palaye Royale - Lonely Songtext

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