Neoni - Warning Label Text

Songtext zu Warning Label

[Verse 1]
My brain is a little bit toxic
You should be cautious
It's kind of obnoxious
Wish I could turn it off like a faucet
But I can't can't
Could someone turn down the brightness
Can't take the devices
I'm already blinded
By my life when I'm just trying but there's no light switch to turn off the lightning


Baby baby you can't save me
Learned to love the hell I'm raising
Maybe maybe I'm just crazy
Or maybe I'm the only one saying it
Or maybe I'm the only one saying

My cards on the table
I might be unstable
I should've been born with a warning label
From coffin to the cradle
Got demons I got angels
I should've been born with a warning label

[Verse 2]
I guess I should be a chemist
I push all the limits
So many chemical reactions
Should be in guinness
World record menace

Ha like I said from the beginning
I'm not really the type to vibe and chill in the serenity
I don't think my update has that capability
I'm more like a guillotine
Cutting off any thought that could ever bring me any peace
Of mind
I'm more like a landmine
Hear the click click when you find
Now it's time
To downfall to my oblivion
Can you give me a synonym
For the pain and suffering that I've been living in

Baby baby you can't save me
Learned to love the hell I'm raising
Maybe maybe I'm just crazy
Or maybe I'm the only one saying it
Or maybe I'm the only one saying

My cards on the table
I might be unstable
I should've been born with a warning label
From coffin to the cradle
Got demons I got angels
I should've been born with a warning label

From coffin to the cradle
Got demons I got angels
I should've been born with a warning label

Neoni - Warning Label Songtext

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