Neoni - Funeral Text

Songtext zu Funeral

Dressed in all black
I'm giving the eulogy
To the kid that I used to be
It's such a bummer
She didn't recover
The world made her jaded
Turned her perfect summer
Stone cold
Like the rock that sits in my chest
Oh no
Yeah I swear I tried my best
Now I'm a cynic

I couldn't prevent it
This life isn't mine
But I'm still living in it

Bring black roses
Keep composed yeah

Got front row seats to my
I know it seems like
It was tragic
Close the casket
You can't change what's
In the past yeah
Got front row seats to my

I tried to be so
Picture perfect
Wasn't worth it
So I left it
In the dirt yeah

I swear
I can still feel her haunting me
Disappointed with who I turned out to be
Up in my conscience
It's making me nauseous
Did I bury the best parts of me in that coffin
So now
I'm taking the guilty plea
Crime of passion
It's just how it had to be
Is this how you grieve
I sleep in that hearse to remind me of me

Your black roses

Got front row seats to my
I know it seems like
It was tragic
Close the casket
You can't change what's
In the past yeah
Got front row seats to my
I tried to be so
Picture perfect
Wasn't worth it
So I left it
In the dirt yeah

Told the reaper
When you see her
Say I'm sorry I
Couldn't be her
Told the reaper
When you see her
Sorry didn't
Help me either
Got front row seats to my
I know it seems

Got front row seats to my
I know it seems like
It was tragic
Close the casket
You can't change what's
In the past yeah
Got front row seats
I tried to be
Picture perfect
Wasn't worth it
So I left it
In the dirt yeah

Neoni - Funeral Songtext

zu Funeral von Neoni - Funeral Lyrics Neoni - Funeral Text Neoni - Funeral Tekst piosenki Funeral Neoni Funeral Liedtext
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