Neoni - Horror Movies Text

Songtext zu Horror Movies

Don't go down to the basement
We all know what's coming next
Murder with a little side of mayhem
But here I go again

[Pre Chorus]
Is that blood on the wall
Scream down the hall
Knees shaking so bad that I gotta crawl
All my ghosts are chasing
Why can't I escape them
Hair raised on my neck

Careful where you step
Cause if I keep going I'm losing my head
I need a vacation
Or something to sedate them

I hate horror movies
Yeah so please don't ask me why
I hate horror movies
So damn much that I could die
I got Freddy Freddy Freddy in my mind
This movie's looking too much like my life
I hate horror movies
I hate horror movies

Shhh I don't want to wake them
I'm hiding under the bed
And if you think that you'd be scared of Jason
You should meet the monsters in my head

[Pre Chorus]
Is that blood on the wall
Scream down the hall
Knees shaking so bad that I gotta crawl
All my ghosts are chasing
Why can't I escape them
Hair raised on my neck
Careful where you step
Cause if I keep going I'm losing my head
I need a vacation
Or something to sedate them

I hate horror movies
Yeah so please don't ask me why
I hate horror movies
So damn much that I could die
I got Freddy Freddy Freddy in my mind
This movie's looking too much like my life
I hate horror movies
I hate horror movies

Horror movies
I hate horror movies
Yeah so please don't ask me why
I hate horror movies
Guess we're too much alike

I got Freddy Freddy Freddy in my mind
This movie's looking too much like my life
I hate horror movies
I hate horror movies

Neoni - Horror Movies Songtext

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