Neoni - Villain Text

Songtext zu Villain

[Verse 1]
Lavish sins
And sycophants
While we're all out here suffering
Oh wow
Your silence it's been getting loud
As you pretend
Fake innocence
I'll play my tiny violin
Cause now
You'll watch me as I burn it to the ground


All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't undo all the damage I did
You call me mad but I make perfect sense
If I can't be your hero
I'll be your villain

I'll be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain

Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain

[Verse 2]
You and I
We're different
I'm more of a blunt instrument
Watch out
Mayhem follows me around
Won't make amends
Cause you did this, yeah
I'm the monster you invented
How could you ever forget me now

All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't undo all the damage I did
You call me mad but I make perfect sense
If I can't be your hero
I'll be your villain

I'll be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain

All the king's horses and all the king's men
Can't put my sanity together again

I'll be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain
Be your villain
Your v-v-villain
I'll be your villain
Your villain

Neoni - Villain Songtext

zu Villain von Neoni - Villain Lyrics Neoni - Villain Text Neoni - Villain Tekst piosenki Villain Neoni Villain Liedtext
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