Neoni - Loser Text

Songtext zu Loser

What's the problem
You're acting like the house's on fire
I'm the problem
No it's just the way I'm wired
Sorry to disappoint you
But I just won't budge
Just give up on me
Give up on me

I'm a lost cause
Do it the way
I want
Don't get a say

I'm boss
Of the one and only
Me myself and
I'm long gone
Think I'm insane
Why not
Go on and say
What you want

Like I'm a loser loser
I got nothing to prove yeah prove yeah
I don't really care
Middle fingers in the air
Like la la la la
La la la la
Like I'm a loser loser
I don't answer to you to you
I don't really care
Middle fingers in the air
Like la la la la

La la la loser

Tell me again
How I'll make a fool of myself
Try to be friends
Then you burn me down and call it help
I need you
About as much as a hole in my head
Please give up on me
Give up on me

I'm a lost cause
Do it the way
I want
Don't get a say
I'm boss
Of the one and only
Me myself and
I'm long gone
Think you're a saint
You're not
Go on and say
What you want

Like I'm a loser loser
I got nothing to prove yeah prove yeah
I don't really care
Middle fingers in the air
Like la la la la
La la la la
Like I'm a loser loser
I don't answer to you to you
I don't really care
Middle fingers in the air
Like la la la la
La la la loser
La la la la
La la la loser

Like I'm a
Like I'm a
Like I'm a

Like I'm a loser loser
I got nothing to prove yeah prove yeah
I don't really care
Middle fingers in the air
Like la la la la
La la la la
Like I'm a loser loser
I don't answer to you to you
I don't really care
Middle fingers in the air
Like la la la la
La la la loser
La la la la
La la la loser

Neoni - Loser Songtext

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