Kansas - The Wall Text

Songtext zu The Wall

[Verse 1]
I'm woven in a fantasy
I can't believe the things I see
The path that I have chosen now
Has led me to a wall
And with each passing day
I feel a little more like something dear was lost

It rises now before me
A dark and silent barrier between

All I am

And all that I would ever want to be
It's just a travesty

Marking off the boundaries my spirit
Would erase

[Verse 2]
To pass beyond is what I seek
I fear that I may be too weak
And those are few who've seen it through
To glimpse the other side
The promised land is waiting
Like a maiden that is soon to be a bride

[Pre Chorus]
The moment is a masterpiece
The weight of indecision's in the air


Standing there
The symbol and the sum of all that's me
It's just a travesty

Blocking out the light and blinding me
I want to see

[Bridge - Instrumental]

[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
Gold and diamonds cast a spell
It's not for me, I know it well
The riches that I seek are waiting
On the other side
There's more than I can measure
In the treasures of the love that I can find

[Pre Chorus]
And though it's always been with me
I must tear down the wall and let it be

All I am
And all that I was ever meant to be
In harmony

Shining true
And smiling back at all who wait to cross
There is no loss


Kansas - The Wall Songtext

zu The Wall von Kansas - The Wall Lyrics Kansas - The Wall Text The Wall Kansas The Wall Liedtext
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Album: Leftoverture (1976)

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