KANSAS - Hold On Text

Songtext zu Hold On

Look in the mirror and tell me
Just what you see
What have the years of your life
Taught you to be?
Innocence dying in so many ways
Things that you dream of are lost
Lost in the haze

Hold on, baby hold on
Cause it's closer than you think
And you're standing on the brink
Hold on, baby hold on
Cause there's something on the way

Your tomorrow's not the same as today

Don't you recall what you felt
When you weren't alone?
Someone who stood by your side;
A face you have known
Where do you run when it's too much to bear?
Who do you turn to in need
When nobody's there?

Hold on, baby hold on
Cause it's closer than you think
And you're standing on the brink
Hold on, baby hold on
Cause there's something on the way
Your tomorrow's not the same as today

Outside your door, he is waiting;
Waiting for you

Sooner or later you know
He's got to get through
No hesitation and no holding back
Let it all go and you'll know
You're on the right track

Hold on, baby hold on
Cause it's closer than you think
And you're standing on the brink
Hold on, baby hold on
Cause there's something on the way
Your tomorrow's not the same as today

KANSAS - Hold On Songtext

zu Hold On von KANSAS - Hold On Lyrics KANSAS - Hold On Text Hold On KANSAS Hold On Liedtext
KANSAS Hold On Letra de Hold On com KANSAS
Album: Audio-Visions (1980)

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Hold On Songtext von KANSAS

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