Kansas - Lonely Wind Text

Songtext zu Lonely Wind

When I'm needin' a friend I can talk to the wind
God I sure am glad that I found him
Sometimes he seems to be the only one beside me
Who can feel the Lord's breath all around him
Winter's cold frozen ice or a bright autumn day
On a warm summer night you can hear him say

Cry for me, sigh for me, sad my breezes flow
Stay for me, play for me, the song my friends will know
My lonely wind must blow

Mighty friend that is mine, can you give me a sign?
He'll leave nothing but only to hear him
I've seen the tall trees bend low when his mighty winds blow

And that's all the more reason I fear him
Hear him call for the earth lonely I can feel his great pain
But on the eve of this day
I'll join in his refrain

Cry for me, sigh for me, sad my breezes flow
Stay for me, play for me, the song my friends will know
My lonely wind must blow

When I'm needing a friend I'll remember the wind
And my life here with the breezes of sorrow
I'll be leaving him soon 'cause I've got to make room
For the lonely that will find him tomorrow
On a black stormy night in your bosom I'll cling
And I'll know I've found love and the last song we'll sing

Cry for me, sigh for me, sad my breezes flow
Stay for me, play for me, the song my friends will know
My lonely wind

My lonely wind
My lonely wind must blow

Kansas - Lonely Wind Songtext

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Album: Kansas (1974)

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