Songtext zu Thanksgiving Prayer
We've come to the time in the season
When family and friends gather near
To offer a prayer of Thanksgiving
For blessings we've known through the years
To join hands and thank the creator
And now when Thanksgiving is due
This year when I count my blessings
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
This year when I count my blessings
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
I'm grateful for the laughter of children
The sun and the wind and the rain
The color of blue in your sweet eyes
The sight of a high ballin' train
The moon rise over a prairie
An old love that you've made new
And this year when I count my blessings
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
This year when I count my blessings
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
And when the time comes to be going
It won't be in sorrow and tears
I'll kiss you goodbye and I'll go on my way
Grateful for all of the years
I thank for all that you gave me
For teaching me what love can do
And Thanksgiving day for the rest of my life
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
Thanksgiving Day for the rest of my life
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
Johnny Cash - Thanksgiving Prayer Songtext
zu Thanksgiving Prayer von Johnny Cash - Thanksgiving Prayer Lyrics of Thanksgiving Prayer by Johnny Cash - Thanksgiving Prayer Text Thanksgiving Prayer Johnny Cash Thanksgiving Prayer LiedtextJohnny Cash Thanksgiving Prayer Letra de Thanksgiving Prayer com Johnny Cash
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Thanksgiving Prayer
Songtext von
Johnny Cash
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