Songtext zu I Never Will Marry
One morning as I rambled down by the seashore
The wind it did whistle, and the waters did roar
I heard a fair maiden give a pitiful cry
And it sounded so lonely as it swept off on by
I never will marry, I'll b be no man's wife
I intend to stay single for the rest of my life
The shells in the ocean float by my death bed
And the rushing deep waters went over my head
They say that love is a gentle thing
But it's only brought me pain
For the only man I ever loved
Has gone on the morning train
She cast her fair body in the waters so deep
She closed her pretty blue eyes forever to sleep
I never will marry, I'll be no man's wife
I intend to stay single for the rest of my life
The shells in the ocean float by my death bed
And the rushing deep waters went over my head
Johnny Cash - I Never Will Marry Songtext
zu I Never Will Marry von Johnny Cash - I Never Will Marry Lyrics of I Never Will Marry by Johnny Cash - I Never Will Marry Text I Never Will Marry Johnny Cash I Never Will Marry LiedtextJohnny Cash I Never Will Marry Letra de I Never Will Marry com Johnny Cash
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I Never Will Marry
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