Songtext zu Darling, Am I the One?
Am I the one who'll always hold you
Till the end of time?
Or will there be another lover
To steal the love that's mine?
Am I the one you'll always want, dear
When each day is through?
I will I face each night along
With a heart, that cries for you.
These things I ask you
I've thought about so long
I've got a feeling I'm losing
I hope that feeling's wrong
I want so much to love you always
My love burns like the sun
There is no rest within my heart
Tell me darling, am I the one?
Transcribed by avatarm.
Johnny Cash - Darling, Am I the One? Songtext
zu Darling, Am I the One? von Johnny Cash - Darling, Am I the One? Lyrics Johnny Cash - Darling, Am I the One? Lied Johnny Cash - Darling, Am I the One? Text Darling, Am I the One? Johnny Cash Darling, Am I the One? LiedtextJohnny Cash Darling, Am I the One? Letra de Darling, Am I the One? com Johnny Cash
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