Zara Larsson - Soundtrack Text

Songtext zu Soundtrack

We danced to "Something In the Way She Moves"
You kissed me during "Karma Police"
And anytime I hear "Born to Die"
It's like I'm in a time machine

Anytime the rain starts coming down
Baby, I go back there in your arms
Wasting our youth on each other
That beautiful summer we lost one another

But we'll always have the soundtrack
Of us fallin' into love, yeah
And I know that we can't go back

But we'll always have the soundtrack

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

Remember crying to "A Case of You"
'Cause you had never hеard it before
I wonder, do you think about us?
Or do you еver wish we were more?

Even really good things fall apart
I hate how we broke each other's hearts
Wasted our youth on each other
That beautiful summer we lost one another

But we'll always have the soundtrack
Of us fallin' into love, yeah
And I know that we can't go back
But we'll always have the soundtrack
Singing "Hallelujah" so loud

No, we never could have dreamt that
It was all about to go bad
But we'll always have the soundtrack

If I'd call you now, would you pick it up?
Am I crazy for even thinkin' of how we were back then?
Nothin' more than kids in our glory years

We'll always have the soundtrack
Of us fallin' into love, yeah
And I know that we can't go back
But we'll always have the soundtrack
Singing "Hallelujah" so loud
No, we never could have dreamt that
It was all about to go bad
But we'll always have the soundtrack, soundtrack, soundtrack

Even really good things fall apart
I hate how we broke each other's hearts
Wasted our youth on each other
That beautiful summer we lost one another

But we'll always have the soundtrack
Of us fallin' into love, yeah
And I know that we can't go back
But we'll always have the soundtrack
Singing "Hallelujah" so loud
No, we never could have dreamt that
It was all about to go bad
But we'll always have the soundtrack

If I'd call you now, would you pick it up?
Am I crazy for even thinkin' of how we were back then?
Nothin' more than kids in our glory years

We'll always have the soundtrack
Of us fallin' into love, yeah
And I know that we can't go back
But we'll always have the soundtrack
Singing "Hallelujah" so loud
No, we never could have dreamt that
It was all about to go bad
But we'll always have the soundtrack, soundtrack, soundtrack

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

You'll always be my soundtrack

Zara Larsson - Soundtrack Songtext

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