Zara Larsson - I Would Like Text

Songtext zu I Would Like

I didn't know that I could want you so deep
As when I saw you with someone who is not me
You got me playing in a game that ain't fair
But you're taking me there, yeah you're taking me there

I can't help myself, it's human nature, human nature
Who's to say what's meant to be
Why can't we be on our worst behaviour, worst behaviour
When it all comes naturally

I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body
I would like to get to know you baby

Like to get under your sexy body
(Under your sexy body), oh
Under your sexy body, oh
Under your sexy body

What would you do, the way you hold it like that (like that)
Looking at me to see if I'm the get-back
Me and you boy, we gon' work tonight to leave, to leave
Yeah you're leaving with me, leaving with me

I can't help myself, it's human nature, human nature
Who's to say what's meant to be
Why can't we be on our worst behaviour, worst behaviour
When it all comes naturally

I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body
I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body

(Under your sexy body), na na na na na na
Under your sexy body
I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body

Come take me under now, na na na na na na
Go on and go there, na na na na na na
Come take me under now, na na na na na na
Go on and go there, na na na na na na

I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body
I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body

I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body
I would like to get to know you baby
Like to get under your sexy body

Come take me under now, na na na, na na na
Go on and go there, na na na, na na na
Come take me under now, na na na, na na na
Go on and go there, na na na, na na na

Zara Larsson - I Would Like Songtext

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