Uriah Heep - I Won't Mind Text

Songtext zu I Won't Mind

Well I don't mind if you steal my last dime
And just leave me any time and I'll get, get along fine
I don't really know why but I know I'll get by
If I don't I'll die tryin'
And if it rains again I'm gonna fly to the sun
'Cause nothing gets done just sittin', sittin' around
Look at the way it's been just waitin' and wanderin'
I've just got to keep tryin'
Looking for gold in the sky gets kinda rough
Maybe I'm to blame 'cause I didn't look hard enough
But I still get the feelin' that it shouldn't be so tough
So I won't mind, I won't mind, I mind why I won't mind?
Looking for gold in the sky gets kinda rough
Maybe I'm to blame 'cause I didn't look hard enough

But I still get the feelin' that it shouldn't be so tough
So I won't mind, I won't mind, no I won't mind
Said "I won't mind yeah, yeah"

Uriah Heep - I Won't Mind Songtext

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Album: Wonderworld (1974)

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