URIAH HEEP - Traveller In Time Text

Songtext zu Traveller In Time

Every day I have to look to the sun
To see where it was that I have come from
I have a feelin that there must be a time

When I'll get a chance to go home
'Cause I'm so tired of being here alone
But I'm just a traveller in time
Trying so hard to pay for my crime
Oh, woah-oh

If I could go back the same way I got here
And see the people that I once held so near
I'd do my best to find an answer for you

But first I must wait 'til I'm set free
And I don't know how long that's gonna be
'Cause I'm a man with a whole lot on his mind
Just out there somewhere travelling in time
Travelling in Time

I've tried for so long to find
Some way of helping mankind

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time Songtext

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URIAH HEEP Traveller In Time Letra de Traveller In Time com URIAH HEEP
Album: Demons and Wizards (1972)

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