Tony K - Dollar Signs Text

Songtext zu Dollar Signs

[Verse 1]
Champagne on ice
Cause we toasting to our enemies
We just living life on this side
Views is heavenly
A foreign immigrant
Only privilege is Hennessy
Still living limitless
They ain't killing my energy
Drop top nine eleven shouting obscenities
It's a Smith and Wesson incase they thinking of testing me
Dollar dollar bills for the thrills feed their jealousy
Out here chasing mills to live the life of a celebrity

Money on my mind imma get it that shit vital
Dollar dollar signs
Bet it make ‘em feel spiteful
Nah ain't no problem
Middle finger to my rivals
Nah I won't fail imma get it
That's on Bible

Top down in the whip
Screaming fuck you (fuck you)
When they see you rise they don't love you
Swear they always tryna stay above you nah (nah)
You won't live to see me fall

[Verse 2]
Yeah million dollar dreams so i'm scheming
Watching people change like the seasons

They say it ain't fair file grievance
I was hard at work while y'all was sleeping
Intoxicated faded off the 42
I've been through it all if you only knew
No drama only checks like a Nike swoosh
Post it to the gram for the social proof

Money on my mind imma get it that shit vital
Dollar dollar signs
Bet it make ‘em feel spiteful
Nah ain't no problem
Middle finger to my rivals
Nah I won't fail imma get it
That's on Bible

Top down in the whip
Screaming fuck you (fuck you)
When they see you rise they don't love you
Swear they always tryna stay above you nah (nah)
You won't live to see me fall

[Verse 3]
Glasses of vino
With the mob like casino
Ace like Deniro
So the lifestyle primo
Life like a movie
Quentin Tarantino
I'm just doing me
They can't let it be though
Inglorious bastards so i'm Tony like Pacino
The plans to reach success and break their fragile egos
We are not equals (equals)
I'll be on my grind
Til its pockets full of c-notes
Cause it goes

Money on my mind imma get it that shit vital
Dollar dollar signs
Bet it make ‘em feel spiteful
Nah ain't no problem
Middle finger to my rivals
Nah I won't fail imma get it
That's on Bible

Top down in the whip
Screaming fuck you (fuck you)
When they see you rise they don't love you
Swear they always tryna stay above you nah (nah)
You won't live to see me fall  

Tony K - Dollar Signs Songtext

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