Tony K - Ashes Text

Songtext zu Ashes

You could set it all on fire (fire)
No I won't put it out (out)
I'll just let you burn it all down (down)
And watch the ashes hit the ground

Always have a million reasons why
I Just don't cut it
Not a good enough guy
Someone must have really done a number on your mind
Love aside
The love has died
I'll reside in the ashes of your lies

Haunted by your memory
Severed all ties
I'm on to a better me
I must of been blind
Blinded by your beauty I excused all your crimes
Now you've crossed the line
So this time

You could set it all on fire (fire)
No I won't put it out (out)
I'll just let you burn it all down (down)
And watch the ashes hit the ground

It's time to get on the right track
Burn it all up i'll bounce right back
My nights less stressful
Without ya nightmares
Without you right here
My sights clear
Your insincere apologies

Is falling on deaf ears
I spent years (years)
Dealing with your bad qualities
Telling my self that its love years (years)
I used to hold back tears
Now I walk through the fire with a smile
And no fears (ha)

You could set it all on fire (fire)
No I won't put it out (out)
I'll just let you burn it all down (down)
And watch the ashes hit the ground

Here we go again
It's like a replay
I just re-say all the same things its so cliche
Wish I could erase
You out my memories
Lovers turned to enemies
You used to be the centerpiece
Now you're shattered in pieces
Just a lyric to my melodies
It can't be remedied
Cause i'll just feed the flames that you started
Relationship stains
Left me heartless
Now that all the pain leads to arson

You could set it all on fire (fire)
No I won't put it out (out)
I'll just let you burn it all down (down)
And watch the ashes hit the ground

Ashes hit the ground
Ashes hit the ground
Ashes hit the ground
Ashes hit the ground

You could set it all on fire (fire)
No I won't put it out (out)
I'll just let you burn it all down (down)
And watch the ashes hit the ground

Tony K - Ashes Songtext

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