The Demented Man
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Songtext zu The Demented Man
The questions asked but never known,Which way I'll go
Endless circles on my mind spiraling a downward climb
Which way I'll go.
The thoughts are there for you to find, but you never
Know which way I'll go
Those flashing lights are warning me
But ever bidding voices see
You're caught in a web of emptiness
The tales told the path you tread
Does it lead into your head
Or back to a world of emptiness
Smiling faces watching me
Helping hands just wait and see
Which way I'll go
White walls stretching in the sun
Is it here that I begun?
Which way I'll go
Faintly voices plead with me, ever asking ever see
Which way I'll go.
HAWKWIND - The Demented Man Songtext
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Album: Warrior on the Edge of Time (1975)
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