Rosa Linn - Never Be Mine Text

Songtext zu Never Be Mine

This world is spinnin' so fast
My world is spinnin' so slowly
I'm holdin' onto the past
I'm living deep in the lonely
I let my sense slip away
I let the midnights control me

I don't know what else to do
I'm writing this song to get over you

But every word keeps me up at night
Every chord leaves me paralyzed
Every melodies just reminded me I need you tonight

Tears are fallin' on the ebonies
There's only silence where you're meant to be
Singin' out of keys just rеminded me I'm broken insidе
What hurts even more
Is I'll always be yours but you'll never be mine

This world keeps spinnin' so fast
But my world is crumblin' before me
Still hear your voice in my head
And I can't pretend to ignore it
I'd pay to make it all stop
But I'd sell my soul to afford it

I don't know what else to do
I'm writing this song to get over you

But every word keeps me up at night
Every chord leaves me paralyzed
Every melodies just reminded me I need you tonight
Oh, tears are fallin' on the ebonies

There's only silence where you're meant to be
Singin' out of keys just reminded me I'm broken inside
What hurts even more
Is I'll always be yours, you'll never be mine

You'll never be mine
You'll never be mine
You'll never be mine

Every word keeps me up at night
Every chord leaves me paralyzed
Every melodies just reminded me I need you tonight
Need you tonight
Oh, tears are fallin' on the ebonies
There's only silence where you're meant to be
Singin' out of keys just reminded me I'm broken inside
What hurts even more
Is I'll always be yours
I'll always be yours
But you'll never be mine

Rosa Linn - Never Be Mine Songtext

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