Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence - WDIA (Would Do It Again) Text

Songtext zu WDIA (Would Do It Again)

[Verse 1: Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence]
Time didn't change me
But what about you?
I think of you lately
And I wonder if you do
If you try to erase me
Do I kill you in ways that kill me too?

[Pre-Chorus: Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence]
'Cause I take all the pain, all the bruises and blame
And repeat it 'til I go insane

[Chorus: Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence]
If I could go back

Chasing what we had
Straight through the pitch black
I would do it again
You pull me inside
Into your riptide
Under a landslide
But I would do it again

[Verse 2]
I was a child
Imitating a woman
Caught in the wild
And you trained me what to do
And I would chained to the feeling
The sickness, the habit, the highs, and the tragic
The [? 1:30] that you fall to for love

[Pre-Chorus: Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence]
And I take all the pain, shoot it inside my veins
And repeat it 'til I go insane

[Chorus: Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence]
If I could go back (Go, go back)
Chasing what we had (We, we had)
Straight through the pitch black (Pitch black)
I would do it again (Again, again, again)
You pull me inside (In, inside)
Into your riptide (Rip, riptide)
Under a landslide (Landslide)
I would do it again, I would do it again, yeah

I would
Lie to myself just to make you the truth
I would
Run through the flames, take across all of you
I would

[Chorus: Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence]
If I could go back (Go, go back)
Chasing what we had (We, we had)
Straight through the pitch black (Pitch black)
I would do it again (Again, again, again)
You pull me inside (In, inside)
Into your riptide (Rip, riptide)
Under a landslide (Landslide)
I would do it again, I would do it again, yeah, I would

Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence - WDIA (Would Do It Again) Songtext

zu WDIA (Would Do It Again) von Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence - WDIA (Would Do It Again) Lyrics Duncan Laurence & Rosa Linn - WDIA Text WDIA (Would Do It Again) Rosa Linn & Duncan Laurence WDIA (Would Do It Again) Liedtext
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