JETHRO TULL - Teacher Text

Songtext zu Teacher

Well the dawn was coming
Heard him ringing on my bell
He said, "My name's the Teacher
For that is what I call myself"
And I have a lesson
That I must impart to you
It's an old expression
But I must insist it's true

Jump up, look around, find yourself some fun
No sense in sitting there hating everyone
No man's an island and his castle isn't home
The nest is full of nothing when the bird has flown

So I took a journey
Throw my world into the sea
With me went the Teacher
Who found fun instead of me

Hey man, what's the plan, what was that you said
Suntanned, drink in hand, lying there in bed
I try to socialize but I can't seem to find
What I was looking for, got something on my mind

Then the Teacher told me
It had been a lot of fun
Thanked me for his ticket
And all that I had done

JETHRO TULL - Teacher Songtext

zu Teacher von JETHRO TULL - Teacher Lyrics JETHRO TULL - Teacher Text Teacher JETHRO TULL Teacher Liedtext
JETHRO TULL Teacher Letra de Teacher com JETHRO TULL
Album: Benefit (1970)

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