Rosa Linn - If I Were You Text

Songtext zu If I Were You


Baby, how much closer can we be?
I swear you've become a part of me
You are with me everywhere I go
If you feel it, I already know

Everything I say to you is true
I don't wanna tell you what to do

But if I were you
I would take the love I'm giving to you
Yes, if I were you

Oh-oh-oh-oh, if I were you
I would trust in me like I trust in you
Yes, if I were you

I know what you're dreaming when you sleep
You have secrets I will always keep
And in every morning when we rise
I see my reflection in your eyes

Every boy must learn to be a man
Maybe I can help you understand

And if I were you
I would take the love I'm giving to you
Yes, if I were you
Oh-oh-oh-oh, if I were you
I would trust in me like I trusted you
Yes, if I were you

Oh, if I were you
I would take the love I'm giving to you
Yes, if I were you
Oh-oh-oh-oh, if I were you
I would trust the dream that wants to come true
Yes, if I were you

Rosa Linn - If I Were You Songtext

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