Procol Harum - Quite Rightly So Text

Songtext zu Quite Rightly So

For you whose eyes were opened wide
Whilst mine refused to see
I'm sore in need of saving grace
Be kind and humour me
I'm lost amidst a sea of wheat
Where people speak but seldom meet
And grief and laughter, strange but true
Although they die, they seldom cry

An ode by any other name, yeah
I know might read more sweet
Perhaps the sun will never shine
Upon my field of wheat
But still in closing, let me say

For those too sick, yeah, too sick to see
Though not it shows, yes, someone knows
I wish that one was me


An ode by any other name, yeah
I know might read more sweet
Perhaps the sun will never shine
Upon my field of wheat
But still in closing, let me say
Yeah, for those too sick, too sick to see
Though not it shows, yes, someone knows
I wish that one was me

Though not it shows, yes, someone knows
I wish that one was me

Though not it shows, yes, someone knows

Procol Harum - Quite Rightly So Songtext

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Album: Shine On Brightly (1968)

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