PROCOL HARUM - Toujours L'Amour Text

Songtext zu Toujours L'Amour

She took all the pleasure and none of the pain
All of the credit and none of the blame
I came home to an empty flat
She'd left me a note and taken the cat
The cord that they knotted to keep us apart
Could never be broken: it was tied to my heart
She grew thin and I grew fat
She left me and that was that
I'm thinking of renting a villa in France
A French girl has offered to give me a chance
Or maybe I'll take an excursion to Spain
And buy a revolver and blow out my brains

Procol Harum - Toujours L'Amour Songtext

zu Toujours L'Amour von Procol Harum - Toujours L'Amour Lyrics Procol Harum - Toujours L'Amour Text Toujours L'Amour Procol Harum Toujours L'Amour Liedtext
PROCOL HARUM Toujours L'Amour Letra de Toujours L'Amour com PROCOL HARUM

Album: Grand Hotel (1973)

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