Procol Harum - Luskus Delph Text

Songtext zu Luskus Delph

Tulip's lips, oh, Luskus Delph
Your baking breath breeds body ex
With silken measures try to gauge
The inside sweetness of your cave

Peach preserve your simmering jewel
Hid away like orphan's gruel
Help me find the widow's crack
Hold my stick like sealing wax

Almond's eyes, my Turkish pearl
Burn me up, sweet oyster girl
Shove me in your steaming vat
Make me split like chicken fat

Almond's eyes, my Turkish pearl
Burn me up, sweet oyster girl
Shove me in your steaming vat
Make me split like chicken fat

Procol Harum - Luskus Delph Songtext

zu Luskus Delph von Procol Harum - Luskus Delph Lyrics Procol Harum - Luskus Delph Text Procol Harum - Luskus Delph Tekst piosenki Luskus Delph Procol Harum Luskus Delph Liedtext
Procol Harum Luskus Delph Letra de Luskus Delph com Procol Harum Procol Harum - Luskus Delph Songtekst
Album: Broken Barricades (1971)

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