Milow - Christmas Is Finally Here Text

Songtext zu Christmas Is Finally Here

It's been a long long year
But Christmas is finally here
Been waiting and waiting
The jolly old man with the beard

He took his sweet sweet time
Getting those reindeer aligned
They jingled and jangled
Caught in a tangle
But looks like they're finally flying

Listen baby those sleigh bells ringing

And the tabernacle choir singing
I wonder what Santa's bringing
Bringing for you my dear
Oh it's been a long long year
But Christmas is finally here
Yeah it's been a long long year
But Christmas is finally here

It's been a wild wild ride
But darling with you by my side
Through the hustle and bustle
And all the kerfuffle
We kept the spirit alive

Now it's that time of year
When the Bethlehem star appears
Together we made it
So let's celebrate it
Christmas is finally here

Look baby it started snowin'
You and I could get a fire going
My heart is overflowing
You fill up my cup with cheer
Oh it's been a long long year
But Christmas is finally here
Yeah it's been a long long year
But Christmas is finally here

It's been a long long long long long long year
But Christmas is finally here

Merry Christmas to you

Milow - Christmas Is Finally Here Songtext

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