Milow - Howling at the Moon TEXT

Howling at the Moon
Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Howling at the Moon

Where did the summer go
I found it in Monaco
Dancing in Mexico
Sushi in Tokyo
I wanna be where you are
Driving in a plastic car
Cuba is not so far
I can bring my guitar
Baby, are we there yet?
Meet me at the sunset
Summer will be over soon
I'll see you and you get there
Burning 'till we get there

We will howling at the moon
Baby, are we there yet?
Meet me at the sunset
Summer will be over soon
I see you and you'll get there
Burning 'till we get there
We will howling at the moon
howling at the moon
howling at the moon
where is de summertime
take me back to wise
Skyscraper in Dubai
Palaces in Versailles
Some you won't find with me
... in Sicily
Be who you wanna be
Right where you wanna be
Baby, are we there yet?

meet me at the sunset
summer will be over soon
I'll see when you get there
burning till we get there
we will be howling at the moon
Baby, are we there yet?
meet me at the sunset
summer will be over soon
I'll see when you get there
burning till we get there
we will be howling at the moon
Baby, are we there yet?
meet me at the sunset
summer will be over soon
I'll see when you get there
burning till we get there
we will be howling at the moon
howling at the moon
howling at the moon
howling at the moon
howling at the moon

Milow - Howling at the Moon Songtext

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