Nobody Needs You Like I Do
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Songtext zu Nobody Needs You Like I Do
[Verse 1]
I, I'm drunk alone because I miss you
Now, now I'm worried I'm too late
Nobody loves you like you love me
Nobody sees me like you do
So I'm going to fight for us
Until my heart is turned to black and blue
Nobody needs you like I do
[Verse 2]
And life always seems to work against us
I'm on my knees I'm begging
Please there's nowhere else I'd rather be
I'd rather be
[Chorus 1]
Nobody loves you like you love me
Nobody sees me like you do
So I'm going to fight for us
Until my heart is turned to black and blue
Nobody needs you like I do
[Chorus 2]
Nobody hurt you like I hurt you
And I don't deserve a second change
But I'm going to fight for us
Until my heart is turned to black and blue
Nobody needs you like I, needs you like I, needs you like I do
[Chorus 1]
Nobody loves you like you love me
Nobody sees me like you do
So I'm going to fight for us
Until my heart is turned to black and blue
Nobody needs you like I do
Well, nobody loves you like you love me
Nobody sees me like you do
So I'm going to fight for us
Until my heart is turned to black and blue
Nobody needs you like I do
Milow - Nobody Needs You Like I Do Songtext
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