Milow - Lay Your Worry Down TEXT

Lay Your Worry Down
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Songtext zu Lay Your Worry Down

You fight like hell but you?re barely alive
Work so hard just trying to survive
Head?s under water and your hands are tied, I know
Dream so big eyes are wide
That?s the kinda life that I can?t provide
It breaks my heart how you feel tonight, I know

Lean into me with your back and your mind
Lean into me when you?re broken inside

Ooh lay your worry down
Lay your worry down
Lay your worry down on me

Ooh lay your worry down
Lay your worry down
Lay your worry down on me
On the run but we?re never there
Take no time coming up for air
There?s a deeper feeling that this life?s not fair, I know
Dream so big and feel so small
Fight while you?re sinking like a cannonball
Wonder if it makes any difference at all, I know

Lean into me with your back and your mind
Lean into me no reason to hide

Ooh lay your worry down
Lay your worry down
Lay your worry down on me
Ooh lay your worry down
Lay your worry down
Lay your worry down on me

Lean into me
When the light can?t be found
When everything?s lost
And your heart?s on the ground
Lean into me lay it all down

Milow - Lay Your Worry Down Songtext

Milow feat. Matt Simons - Lay Your Worry Down Liedtext
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