Michael Patrick Kelly - Holy Text

Songtext zu Holy

My soul magnifies the lord
My spirit rejoices in God, my savior
He's looked upon the humiliation
Of his servant
Yes, from now onwards all generations
Will call me blessed

The almighty has done great things for me
The almighty has done great things for me

Holy, holy
Holy is his name

His faithful love stands age after age
To those who fear him
He's used the power of his arm
He's rooted the arrogance of heart
He's pulled down princes from their thrones
Raised high, floating
He's filled the starving with good things
Sent the rich away empty

The almighty has done great things for me
The almighty has done great things for me

Holy, holy
Holy is his name
Holy, holy
Holy is his name
Holy, holy
Holy is his name
Holy is his name

Michael Patrick Kelly - Holy Songtext

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