Songtext zu O.K.O
[Verse 1]Oh my God
There is nothing like the way, the way you lift me up
I was lost
Going down a spiral, round and round in my own thoughts
Cause I got
I got caught, caught in a riddle
Oh I know, I know so little
I get caught, caught in a riddle
And then you hit me o.k.o
You’re knocking me out, knock me out, knock me out
And I don’t ever want this to end
You’re knocking me out, knock me out, knock me out
And make me wanna to get up again
Cause it’s O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay
Oh keep on loving me, K.O
[Verse 2]
How could I
Bare this world when I could barely understand myself?
Cause I get
I get caught, caught in the riddle
I still know, still know so little
I get caught, caught in the riddle
But then you hit me O.K.O
You’re knocking me out, knock me out, knock me out
And I don’t ever want this to end
You’re knocking me out, knock me out, knock me out
And make me wanna to get up again
Cause it’s O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay
Oh keep on loving me, K.O
You lift me out of the grave, hit me up into grace
I'm taken all night and day by tidal waves
Clearing all my riddles and doubts
There’s no more livin’ without
You’re knocking me out, knock me out, knock me out
And I don’t ever want this to end
You’re knocking me out, knock me out, knock me out
And make me wanna to get up again
Cause it’s O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay O-
kay okay okay
Oh keep on loving me, K.O
Michael Patrick Kelly - O.K.O Songtext
zu O.K.O von Michael Patrick Kelly - O.K.O Lyrics Michael Patrick Kelly - O.K.O Text O.K.O Michael Patrick Kelly O.K.O LiedtextMichael Patrick Kelly O.K.O Letra de O.K.O com Michael Patrick Kelly Michael Patrick Kelly - OKO tekst
Album: B.O.A.T.S (2021)
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