Man-Made Sunshine - Brain in a Jar Text

Songtext zu Brain in a Jar

I'm wakin' up for the very first time
Slime's runnin' down this side
I'm high up on a dusty shelf
I miss the sunlight and I miss my bike

I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie

[Verse 2]
What can I touch for the very first time?
What gift's been handed to me?
Take it back, the misery

I miss my bike, I miss the tang of wine

I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie

[Verse 3]
And I don't think, so therefore I'm alive
I've been surfin' on a simulated silver surfboard
Tell me this ain't where I've lived my life

I can sense the lie
Can you sense the lie? (Lie, lie, lie)

[Verse 4]
So when we're feelin' happy
Not really feelin' happy
We're drip-fed all our happy

Pumped like newborn cattle
And I don't wanna be
Stuck inside of here
Am I even me?
Am I even mine in here?

Brain in a jar, brain in a jar, brain in a jar, brain in a jar
Thoughts on a wire
Brain in a jar
Am I even mine to find in here?

Am I even me?
Am I even me?
Am I even me?
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
(Am I even me?)
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
(Am I even me?)
I'm wakin' up for the very first time
(Am I even me?)

Slime's runnin' down this side
I'm high up on a dusty shelf
I miss the sunlight and I miss my bike
(Am I even me?)
But I can't sense the lie
I can sense the lie
(Am I even me?)
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
(Am I even me?)
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
(So I wanna know)
I can sense the lie
(What it is to be free)
I can sense the lie
(Is it from a source within)
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
(Or is created for me, despite me?)
I can sense the lie
(Oh, what does it mean to be me?)
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
I can sense the lie
Oh, I can sense the lie
Yeah, I can sense the lie

Man-Made Sunshine - Brain in a Jar Songtext

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Man-Made Sunshine Brain in a Jar Letra de Brain in a Jar com Man-Made Sunshine

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