Man-Made Sunshine - Little Bird Text

Songtext zu Little Bird

Oh, oh, oh

[Verse 1]
There's a little bird
Sittin' in my chest
And it calls to me
It sings to me
Saying "Little boy
You don't look your best
And it's dark in here
You could use the rest"

Well, I suffocate
Him with my
Smoke and my
Pills that make
All the little creatures go away
II start wonderin'
Which person I
Love, he will
Hurt one day
Later down the line, that little bird will burst out through my throat

Fly, fly (Fly)
(And he can do anythin')
Fly, go find your sky
Fly, fly
(And he might do anythin')

[Verse 2]

That little bird
Cursin' its broken wings
And you sang to him
You talk to him
Saying "Little bird
Come out of that nest
It's so dark in there
Let me show you how to"

Fly, fly (Fly, fly)
(And I can do anythin')
Fly, go find your sky (Sky)
Fly, fly
(And I might do anythin')

Hey there, little bird
Sittin' in my chest
Hear me sing to you
Hear me calling you
Saying "Little bird
Waitin' in your nest
It's so dark in there
Are you ever comin' out?"

Man-Made Sunshine - Little Bird Songtext

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